Hohner Hot Metal Harmonica | Key G
The Metal Harp
Powerful, loud, and fast – metal and rock can be a thunderous soundscape. Meticulous drums, intense guitars, and solid melodies form walls of sound. Would one think of the harmonica to fit naturally in the mix? Absolutely! The Hot Metal is the perfect introductory choice to test it out for yourself. Warning: you might be smitten.
Reed plates (material, thickness): | brass, 0.9 mm |
Reed plates (surface): | brass |
Reeds (number, material): | 20, brass |
Comb (material, color): | ABS, black |
Comb (finish): | ABS |
Mouthpiece (surface): | ABS |
Cover plates: | stainless steel |
Keys: | F,E,D,C,Bb,A,G |
Type: | diatonic |
Tuning: | Richter |
Number of holes: | 10 |
Tonal range: | 3 octaves |
Length: | 10.5 cm / 4.1” |